For those special wedding pictures or to take a break from your busy event in the Hall, you might want to visit Drummond Playground.
On the west shore of Fulford Harbour is this beautiful spot sheltered by some old growth trees. With lawns that stretch along the seaside, the land for Drummond Park was donated by Captain and Mrs. Drummond and dedicated to the children of the community. The covenant protecting it’s use as a playground is held by the Fulford hall association which is also responsible for the building and the maintenance of the playground area at the far end of the park.
Like many folks who find their way to Salt Spring Island, Captain Drummond and his wife Betty retired here following his career in the British Army, during which time they had spent considerable time in India. It is not clear if the Captain was originally a Canadian and returned to Canada or if he immigrated here to begin a second career in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Saskatchewan before moving to the Island. The couple, who were childless, loved children and Darlene O’Donnell, Bob Akerman’s daughter, remembers visiting the Drummond home with friends to view the Captain’s extensive stamp collection and army memorabilia. Captain Drummond was a great athlete and was also responsible for starting the local soccer program. He and his wife, Betty, lived in the house opposite the Fulford Inn on the corner of Isabella Point Road.
Several local folks have since contributed to the development of the playground, but it would not exist without the generosity of Captain Drummond and his wife Betty. The opening of the park was a major event and included aboriginal dancers, grand speeches and, of course, children were the main focus of the event. The park is now home to a petraglyph which was moved to the site beside the boat launch from its original location further along the shoreline. Over time, the park has been maintained by dedicated volunteers. In the past funds were raised for equipment by holding clam bakes and other social events. Now the community gathers in the park on the first Saturday in August for Fulford Day; a day of music, good food (usually lamb and salmon BBQ), homemade pie and lots of games and entertainment. Families return from far and wide for this country reunion of past and current south end residents. Following tradition, the event is a fundraiser for park maintenance and for the Fulford hall.